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Colorado Premises Liability Lawyers


Top-Rated Premises Liability Attorneys Serving Injured Victims throughout Colorado, including the Denver Metro Area, Vail Valley, and Eagle and Summit Counties

Under Colorado state law (§ 13-21-115), property owners have a general obligation to maintain a safe and secure premises. A person who has been injured because of the unreasonably unsafe conditions at a Colorado business or on a Colorado property owner’s premises may be entitled to seek compensation for their injuries through a premises liability claim. In practice, these types of legal claims are deeply complex.

At Bloch Ongert, our top-rated Colorado premises liability attorneys have helped many injured victims get a fair recovery for their injuries. If you were hurt because of a Colorado property owner’s negligence, you need to be ready to take legal action. Our legal team will help. For immediate assistance with your case, please contact a member of our law firm today.

Common Types of Premises Liability Claims

Premises liability cases come in a wide variety of forms. Victims should always be represented by a Denver premises liability lawyer who has the skills and experience to handle their specific case. At Bloch Ongert, our personal injury attorneys have handled many different premises liability claims, including cases involving:

  • Slip and fall accidents;
  • Staircase accidents;
  • Snow and ice accidents;
  • Damaged exterior walkways and sidewalks;
  • Negligent security claims;
  • Elevator and escalator accidents;
  • Inadequate property maintenance; and
  • Other defective property conditions.

How to Prove Property Owner Negligence

To hold a business or property owner liable, your attorney will be required to prove that their negligence, to some degree, contributed to causing your accident. In general, this requires establishing the following four basic things:

  1. The property owner knew or should have known about the safety hazard on their premises;
  2. Your accident was a foreseeable result of that property defect;
  3. The property owner could have reasonably taken corrective action; and
  4. You sustained real harm in the property accident.

Injured Victims Deserve Fair Compensation

Injured victims are owed financial compensation for the full extent of their damages. To recover this compensation, you must be able to prove your losses with compelling support evidence. Our Colorado premises liability attorneys may be able to help you recover every penny that you are owed under the law. This could include money for:

  • Emergency room fees;
  • Other medical bills;
  • Rehabilitation expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Diminished earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Disfigurement;
  • Loss of limb;
  • Loss of life enjoyment; and
  • Wrongful death.

Contact Our Colorado Premises Liability Attorneys Today

At Bloch Ongert, our highly experienced Denver premises liability lawyers are ready to fight for your rights. You and your family deserve justice. If you were injured due to the carelessness or recklessness of a Colorado business or Colorado property owner, we can help.

To get a free, no strings attached review of your legal claim, please contact our law firm now. From our offices in Park Meadows, Vail Valley, and Denver we represent injured victims throughout Colorado, including in Adams County, Eagle County, Jefferson County, Park County, and Summit County.

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