Personal Injury

Cell Phones: The Leading Cause of Distracted Driving Collisions Involving Serious Injuries and Deaths in Colorado

Distracted Driving

While everyone knows that texting and driving can lead to tragedy, so many drivers still choose to do it. In fact, distracted driving and the use of a phone while operating a vehicle lead to the most serious injuries in crashes, according to new data from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

According to the CDOT, of the 302 serious injuries caused by distracted driving crashes in 2020 in Colorado, 205 of those injuries involved drivers who were using their cell phones just before the crash.

If these statistics are widely available and presumptively known by the general population, then why do these numbers continue to rise instead of fall?

It is likely because people think they are better at multitasking than they really are. According to a CDOT communications manager, “by not fully focusing on driving, you are at a disadvantage when it comes to avoiding unexpected hazards on our roadways, such as a vehicle stopping suddenly or a child darting out in front of you.”

Staying Safe Behind the Wheel

As we all know, driving requires our complete and undivided attention. This is true every time we decide to enter our vehicles and drive somewhere, not just sometimes or when we remember to pay attention. It only takes one simple moment of distracted driving to become a part of the statistic.

Here is what you can do to keep yourself and others safe on the road:

  • Put your phone in the back seat, in your backpack or purse, or elsewhere out of your reach while driving.
  • Place your phone in Do Not Disturb mode.
  • Set up your cell phone to automatically enter “car mode” when it senses that you are in a moving car. This will automatically place your phone on do not disturb mode.
  • Pick a designated texter. Put them in charge of responding to any messages on your behalf until you are parked at your destination.
  • If you are alone and must urgently respond to a message, pull over in a safe area away from traffic, stop your vehicle, and only then use your phone.

Contact Bloch Ongert for More Information

Ultimately, every driver has a responsibility to drive reasonably and with caution to avoid harming themselves or other drivers. Texting and driving is undisputedly an unreasonable act. If you have been injured in an auto, trucking or motorcycle collision as a result of distracted driving, call Bloch Ongert’s experienced injury attorneys Joseph Bloch or Trent Ongert at 303-331-1700 to discuss your case. We can help you get the medical attention you need to diagnose and evaluate your injuries.

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